McCullough Peaks Wild Horses
Wild Horses and the public interest. Being shafted by the Bureau of Land Management. Again.
After over 6,000 people wrote in to the BLM expressing their concerns about this needless roundup and love for the McCullough Peaks wild horses, the BLM ignored the public and announced they were moving forward with their scheme to remove one-third of the herd. To make matters worse, they plan to use Gonacon, which is known to permanently sterilize mares. There are already a number of aged stallions and mares in this herd, as the herd has been managed by dedicated wild horse advocates for years. A herd kept this small is in danger of inbreeding, heighting the chances of bringing this unique and stunning herd to extinction levels. This devastating roundup is slated to start November first.
The McCullough Peaks horses are impressive to say the least. Their unmatched beauty, with bold colors, strong bones, raw power, and painted coloration are a sight to behold. This abundance of bliss is encompassed by arid badlands rich with vivid red dirt, bountiful buttes and snow-capped peaks. The weather is extreme (if it wasn’t I could live here), the land is rugged, and the views are truly breathtaking.
It's a sad epitaph for this famous stallion Washakie, who died last year. While I didn’t see this extraordinary animal in his glory days, when I did see him in his golden years, he was still a strong magnificent beast. He lived a grand life, wild and free, until his body returned to Mother Earth. Every single one of the McCullough Peaks wild horses deserves the same fate.
Letting the BLM diminish and ignore our voices is unacceptable. Each and every day we are reminded that protecting wild life, wild places, and their future is up to us. We have choices each and every day to assist in restoring this beautiful planet, and places like the McCullough Peaks and all her inhabitants remain the pristine ecosystem they were meant to be.
While we all await the next “call to action” on how we can assist these remarkable wild horses, continuing to participate in public comment periods and outreach efforts cannot cease. No matter how frustrating it can be. Saving wildness will forever be up to us. You can learn more about the history of our American Wild Horses here.
I am deeply passionate about the work I get to create, and the stories I get to share through my fine art works. It has become a driving force behind the work, to inspire others to care and become engaged in the restoring of our magnificent wild world. Significant hours are spent meticulously going through images while making decisions on new pieces. I could not be more honored that these works hang in prestigeous private and commercial locations around the globe.
May wild things be free FOREVER xokc