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Celebrating our magnificent WILD world

Slaughter in the US


"You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

:: Such an emotional topic and it should be ::

Oklahoma is close to re-opening a slaughter plant, New Mexico close behind. Those that know me, know I am vehemently against this. I have listened to and read the aurguments from those PRO slaughter with an open mind. I have watched video footage of a horse being slaughtered so that I could speak from a place of knowing and further understanding. These images will haunt me forever. For those unaware, fight or flight allows a horse to sustain up to 19 blows to the head before "going down" a cow, one. The standards to prevent "cruelty" or uphold "humane" WILL BE too costly and WILL NOT be carried out.

Since the closing of slaughterhouse in the US breeding has been reduced greatly. I am not unrealistic, I know we won't wipe out breeding and honestly I don't think we should. I have given this serious thought. There are some wonderful horses out there. Many of my advocate friends do not agree with me on this stance. However, I support those who do it responsibly and am fortunate to know some of these people. Would I like it to continue to be curbed?...absolutely.

Do I want to see horses shipped to Mexico or Canada, or starving or abandoned? ...I'm pretty sure you know the answer to this if you've read this far. It is my belief this is not a valid arguement and I'm scared to death this is going to be the fate of the 40+k horses in holding currently.

I know my posts are generally more uplifting and they encourage sharing beauty. They will continue to be that. I assure you. I hope this encouraged you to think, collect your own data and to make the calls...whatever your opinion is, its your right to be heard...

Call Oklahoma's Governor, Mary Fallin

Let them know your against the re-opening of slaughter plants. This is sadly all we can do at this point. Make the calls and join the rally.

I am devastated not to be here on Monday.

PLEASE share this information with as many people as you can. FB, Twitter, email, etc. Do not give up. I just called AGAIN and its apparent they are receiving them...


also leave a message in the general mailbox


PLEASE make the call to both numbers ~


later will be too late


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