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Celebrating our magnificent WILD world

Natures Mirrors - KMFA Gallery/Laguna Art Museum


Wyoming Mustang Stallions ~ Great Divide Basin ~

Drinking from the well of life...time at the watering hole is equally as sacred for me as it is for them. Stallions challenge for first rights to water, many times as the challenge ensues, a confident mare will take the family band on in to drink. This stallion with an older bachelor stallion had done just that.

Watching them, you could feel the essence of life being fueled and sustained...the surrounding dirt and mud are rich with minerals and nutrients. Mother nature providing them with their most basic and essential needs. These horses are woven into the fabric of our natural world, an integral and important element to the lands eco system and the environment around them.

  • In Sept. 2014 a mass removal of the Great Divide Basin, Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek wild horse herd management area was performed due to pressures from special interest groups. May these two magnificent stallions have escaped the helicopters and traps and still be roaming free.
  • Images imortalize the things in life that can simply and easily dissapear...kc

Please join me at KelseyMichaels fine art

Laguna Beach

November 6th


6-9 pm


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